On Monday 17th April, 2023 the NRPA hosted an information evening about the 2022 Municipal Valuation Roll. The attached presentation and document were used to inform residents on how to be (more) effective in objecting to the valuation of their property. Property owners have until 30th April to object. Those considering…
Become a NRPA Member Thank you to those residents that are paid up members of the NRPA – your support is GREATLY appreciated. To the others – please consider becoming an NRPA member to help us keep Noordhoek, Noordhoek! For a meagre R300 per year – that’s a whopping…
Dear Interested and Affected Parties COVID-19_Billing_and_Relief_FAQs New rates and tariffs kicked in on 1 July 2020, so your July accounts will show rates increases of approximately 4%.We would have preferred not to increase rates and tariffs this year because of the economic impact of COVID-19, but we depend on rates…
Dear Registered Interested & Affected Party, You are hereby notified that on 25 March 2020 the competent authority (Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning – DEA&DP) granted environmental authorisation in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No.107 of 1998) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2014…
Kommetjie Road Upgrade Project_Status Report_June 2019
Horse/Pedestrian/Taxi & Bus Intersection on Noordhoek Main Road Tim de Villiers, Senior Traffic Engineer COCT has approved a signalised pedestrian & horse (horse height) crossing for the intersection of Noordhoek Main Road & Katznellenbogen Roads. The plans include Taxi/Bus bays, away from the intersection, and in both directions. Budget has…
NOTIFICATION KOMMETJIE ROAD UPGRADE: TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ALONG OU KAAPSE WEG Dear Interested and Affected Party This notice serves to inform you of the traffic movement next week along OKW, for the full length of the current road works: Tuesday 07/05/19 Only northbound traffic will be…
NOTIFICATION KOMMETJIE ROAD UPGRADE: TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND SUNNYDALE ROAD CONCERNS Dear Interested & Affected Party, At the Community Liaison Meeting (CLM) held on 13th February 2019, the main topic of concern related to traffic congestion during peak hours and possible ways to provide some interim relief. Some options…
NOTIFICATION KOMMETJIE ROAD UPGRADE – CLOSURE OF LONGBOAT STREET TO RIGHT TURN MOVEMENTS Dear I&AP Now that the Cape Town Cycle Tour has taken place Martin and East will today commence with the installation of median delineators (chevrons) along the length of Ou Kaapseweg between Noordhoek Road and Kommetjie…
Water Wise Update This update contains many links to information and resources you may need to better prepare yourselves for reduced water supply and to push Day Zero right out of the park. Just because Day Zero hase been pushed out please do not relax in saving water – continue…