Cell Phone Mast Application for Noordhoek The Noordhoek Ratepayers Association facilitated an information sharing meeting at Monkey Valley Resort on Monday, 10 October 2016. This is in response to the application to erect a cell phone mast in Dunedin Avenue Noordhoek. Rob Speedy, an NRPA Exco member, presented the two…
Update: Dunedin Road Cell Mast Application The Municipal Planning Tribunal (MPT) met yesterday, Wednesday 22 March 2017, to decide on this application. The NRPA Planning and Land EXCO member attended. Each Planning Tribunal Panel Member had received a consolidated report that included all objections/reasons for support received by City by…
Update on Cell Mast Application Dunedin (Erf 930-27) The next step in this application process is a meeting of the Municipal Planning Tribunal (MPT) scheduled for 22 March 2017. Each Planning Tribunal Panel Member receives a consolidated report that includes all objections/reasons for support received by City by the deadline…
Dear Noordhoek Resident This notice concerns an application to install a cell phone mast/tower at 22 Dunedin Avenue, Noordhoek. Please see this document to put this notice into context. The Noordhoek Ratepayers Association (NRPA) feels that it is important that people listen to facts surrounding this application before deciding whether…
Cell Mast Application (No 70266559) 22 Dunedin Avenue, Noordhoek Note that on some drawings this road is annotated as Sleepy Hollow Lane. This is incorrect. The property in question is at the bottom of Dunedin Avenue, number 22. We ask that you read all the information in this communication so that…