Chapman’s Peak Amdec Development The Noordhoek Ratepayers Association and The Noordhoek Environmental Action Group (NEAG) would like to reassure our residents that we are working together to ensure that Amdec are held accountable to adhere to the full environmental plan that was authorised by Province about this development, as we…

NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Deadline for your comments is the 13th of November. The owners of Erf 4743 Noordhoek (situated at the corner of Noordhoek Main Road and Silvermine Road) propose to develop a new school for approximately 600 learners and associated infrastructure on the property. As a registered…
Let us “Shape the change” that is almost inevitable in our ever changing world. New Amendments to the City Municipal Planning By-law out for comment (by 31/ March 2019). The City wants to hear from you. Please see the summary thereof and the link to the detailed changes, below. Jenny…

Dear NRPA Members and Noordhoek residents, The NRPA committee is looking for help within the planning portfolio. We are looking for someone with some knowledge and/or passion for property and planning matters. Many changes are happening in our society and in our environment. We all need to be proactive in…