CoCT has published their draft 2024/25 budget, including the tariffs for all service delivery starting on July 1st 2024. The period for comments runs until April 30th 2024. NRPA will be engaging with CoCT on the in our eyes outrageous tariffs imposed on conservancy tank owners, as well as any…
Chapman’s Peak Estate and Cape Point Vineyards winery environmental concerns: update Chapman’s Peak Estate NEAG comment on Environmental concerns at Amdec Noordhoek Site feb 24 2024_02_22_To NEAG_Chapmans Peak Estate_Noordhoek_Response letter_2001_22B Residents have raised concerns about the kaolin mudslides (last winter) and dust storms (this summer and last week) emanating from…
The City’s CFO has approved the extension of the due date for pensioners to apply for rates rebates, from 31 August 2023, to 30 November 2023. In terms of the City’s Rates Policy, the CFO has the discretion to extend the dates, which he has done to ensure that more of…
The City of Cape Town’s approved budget 2023/24, approved review of the integrated development plan (IDP) and approved 2023/24 amendments to the 2022 – 2027 IDP, including changes to the corporate municipal entities and circular 88 (C88) scorecard. Click here to view
ATTENTION ALL NOORDHOEK RIDERS, RESIDENTS, WALKERS AND TRAIL RUNNERS SANParks has initiated their routine review of user group activities in the Table Mountain National Park. The Noordhoek Riding Club was invited to provide comments on the 2022 draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for equestrian activities in a first round of…
General Valuation Roll 2022 live in February CoCT is rolling out a new wave of valuation updates. Early indications are that residents can expect increases. As NRPA we are looking at ways how we can help residents make sure that their valuations are fair and their rates increases are…
The City of Cape Town’s Arts and Culture Branch invites applications for funding from Arts, Culture and Heritage organisations and institutions located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Cape Town. Advert application for Grant_in_Aid GRANT IN AID Arts and Culture Advert 2020_21
See media release from the city. Updated Water wise tariff
City tackles service delivery backlog due to COVID-19 City tackles service delivery backlog due to COVID-19