Chapman’s Peak Estate and Cape Point Vineyards winery environmental concerns: update Chapman’s Peak Estate NEAG comment on Environmental concerns at Amdec Noordhoek Site feb 24 2024_02_22_To NEAG_Chapmans Peak Estate_Noordhoek_Response letter_2001_22B Residents have raised concerns about the kaolin mudslides (last winter) and dust storms (this summer and last week) emanating from…
Noordhoek Tread Lightly Change Makers
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Help protect Noordhoek’s trees against the PSHB beetle by buying your firewood responsibly.
Chapman’s Peak Amdec Development The Noordhoek Ratepayers Association and The Noordhoek Environmental Action Group (NEAG) would like to reassure our residents that we are working together to ensure that Amdec are held accountable to adhere to the full environmental plan that was authorised by Province about this development, as we…
SEPTIC TANKS, SOAK AWAYS AND CONSERVANCY TANKS IN NOORDHOEK September 2024, v8 Source: IMPORTANT UPDATE (JULY 2024): 1. As announced at the NRPA AGM in June 2024, after extensive lobbying by NRPA, CoCThas agreed to reduce the septic tank cleaning fees by 47%. Starting 1/7/2024 CoCT now charge…
As you may have seen in other messages, NEAG and NRPA are urging residents to only buy pine and gum for firewood since these are PSHB free for the moment, and to braai over charcoal or gas. Given that the beetle infects plane, oak, coral, maple, willow and poplar trees,…
Help protect Noordhoek’s trees against the PSHB beetle by buying your firewood responsibly. Only buy Gum or Pine wood for your fireplace. Use charcoal/gas to braai The PSHB beetle is a serious threat to the Maple, Oak, Plane, Willow and Coral trees of Noordhoek – 50% of our trees. Firewood…
Caravan Park update As many of you may be aware, NRPA, along with NEAG and many neighbours and concerned residents objected to the Caravan Park development. The objections were overruled in a Municipal Planning Tribunal (MPT) meeting in November 2022. NRPA, along with a concerned neighbour decided to appeal the…
Noordhoek teams up with Forge to map local trails As part of the Vision 2030 efforts to promote walking/hiking in and around Noordhoek, Noordhoek Ratepayers Association (NRPA) has teamed up with Forge ( to publish a host of local footpaths, including a “Noordhoek Panorama Circuit” that takes you all the…

Precious Noordhoek Wetlands under threat from poachers and development The Noordhoek Wetlands is under extreme pressure not only from development, but also from poachers who set traps and snares for small animals. The Noordhoek wetlands consists of a range of plant and animal species that are indigenous or endemic to…
City of Cape Town Climate Change Strategy Draft for Public Participation Climate Change Strategy – Draft for Public Participation Job No. 6299 HYS Climate Change Advert English