Dunedin Road Cell Mast Application
The Municipal Planning Tribunal (MPT) met yesterday, Wednesday 22 March 2017, to decide on this application.
The NRPA Planning and Land EXCO member attended.
Each Planning Tribunal Panel Member had received a consolidated report that included all objections/reasons for support received by City by the deadline date and the applicant’s response to these.
The MPT has to consider all the objections/reasons for support received, the relevant telecommunications policy and any other relating laws before making a decision whether to approve or refuse the application.
The Tribunal decided to approve the Consent Use applied for, i.e. that a cell phone mast may be installed on the property.
However, they declined the departures requested, i.e. that the building line setbacks be relaxed.
- any base station installation on this property will have to be done within the 5m building lines of the property.
- submission of a landscaping plan (the plan will have to include adult trees to screen not only the mast, but also the base station installation)
- the height of the mast has been fixed to 15m
- the mast should be located as far south on the property as possible.
- the mast itself also needs to be dressed in an aesthetically acceptable fashion (so not as a pine tree)The City needs to enter into further engagement with both the Applicant and the NRPA.The NRPA intends to get professional advice on the matter within the coming days, and will probably lodge an appeal against this decision within the next 21 days.Thank you to Councillors Felicity Purchase and Simon Liell-Cock for their active support in this matter.