NRPA: The Masi Rugby Club is building a berm around the Noordhoek Sport fields Berm: a flat strip of land, raised bank, grass strip or artificial ridge separating two areas The Masiphumelele Rugby Club has in the past received many complaints about noise on practice and match days from immediate…
Lake Michelle Draft BAR You are hereby invited to comment on draft BAR. Kindly refer to the DEA&DP reference number in the attached notification letter when submitting your comment. COMMENTS MUST REACH US ON OR BEFORE 7 DECEMBER 2020. 05-11-20 Evergreen Lake Michelle – I&AP notification letter

Two local women have come up with an innovative way to feed communities around Noordhoek with a bag of ingredients that feeds a family of four and costs only R10. People are getting involved in PackAlong’s – or since COVID PackAlone’s – to pack these nutritious Ndihluthi bags that are providing…
URGENT REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE: FALSE BAY HOSPITAL (FBH) Hi All 1. BACKGROUND The Far South Covid-19 Response Group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/207464020356714/, is working closely with False Bay Hospital (FBH) (Dr Wendy Waddington), among other health facilities, to provide practical assistance and support that the hospital can in turn deliver its critical services…
False Bay Hospital Trust Newsletter is out! Click on the link below to read all about Justin Bonello’s organic food garden, teas and tours and how you can help to donate funds for 5 new trolley beds… FBHT Newsletter June 2019
NOTIFICATION KOMMETJIE ROAD UPGRADE PROJECT: TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF LONGBOAT STREET/OU KAAPSE WEG INTERSECTION Dear Interested and Affected Party, Please be advised that the reconstruction of the intersection of Longboat Street and Ou Kaapse Weg will commence this week. The intersection will be closed as follow: · Thursday, 11/07/19: Longboat intersection…
Kommetjie Road Upgrade Project_Status Report_June 2019
NOTIFICATION KOMMETJIE ROAD UPGRADE: TRAFFIC MOVEMENT ALONG OU KAAPSE WEG Dear Interested and Affected Party This notice serves to inform you of the traffic movement next week along OKW, for the full length of the current road works: Tuesday 07/05/19 Only northbound traffic will be…
Dear Registered Interested and Affected Party, Notifcation Proposed Extension of Houmoed Ave Phase 2_Withdrawal of Application for EA_29 April 2019 Please find attached a notification regarding the withdrawal and forthcoming re-submission of the application for Environmental Authorisation for THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF HOUMOED AVE PHASE2 AND UPGRADING OF MASIPHUMELELE INFORMAL…