On Monday 17th April, 2023 the NRPA hosted an information evening about the 2022 Municipal Valuation Roll.
The attached presentation and document were used to inform residents on how to be (more) effective in objecting to the valuation of their property. Property owners have until 30th April to object. Those considering doing so will find it worth their time to go through the documentation.
We would like to thank Sian Smit, Jenny Scagell and Jenny Shaw for their contributions.
NRPA Municipal Valuation Roll objection document
NRPA Municipal valuations information session 17 April 2023
This information is provided to all property owners in Noordhoek. If you like what we do and are not yet a member of the Noordhoek Ratepayers Association (NRPA) we encourage you to consider becoming one. Your membership helps us have more say in front of council and support local initiatives that support the Noordhoek Vision.