Noordhoek Ratepayers Association AGM 2017 Date: Monday 27th March Venue: Monkey Valley Time: 18h30 – 20h00 The NRPA Chairman, Brad Bing welcomed the attendees and thanked everyone for making a concerted effort to attend……this being our second Noordhoek Ratepayers AGM. Feedback was presented on our achievements and financials for…
NRPA EXCO Meeting Minutes: 20 April 2017 18h00 – 19h30 Summary: NRPA and 2030 website, Houmoed Rd EIA, Erf 2145 enclosure of public open space, Flagpoles, Traffic calming, Cell mast, City owned land, NEAG liaison. Present: Brad Bing (Chair), Jenny Shaw, Liz Smith, Rob Speedy. By Invitation: Peter Ray, Michelle van…
NRPA NEWSLETTER APRIL 2017 Dear NRPA Member / Noordhoek Resident, NRPA AGM At the well attended AGM on 27 March we heard feedback on all that the NRPA achieved this year and a number of the 2030 Vision Projects were represented, supported by visual displays. To view the profiles of…
Here is a poster for the upcoming Recycling Expo at Fish Hoek Civic Centre on Saturday 22nd April. If you have somewhere to put it up where people will see it (even on your car perhaps) please print it out and do so. Or forward this on to anyone who…
NRPA EXCO Meeting Minutes 30 MARCH 2017 18h00 – 19h30 Present: Brad Bing (Chair), Sharon Long, Jenny Shaw, Marc Bakker, Liz Smith and Rob Speedy. By Invitation: Tracy Brownlee,Peter Ray,Lynn Brown (attended for the first ½ hour.) Apologies: Stephen Cruickshank Welcome New members of EXCO were welcomed by BB Background And Values Of…
Noordhoek Ratepayers Association AGM 2017 Date: Monday 27th March Venue: Monkey Valley Time: 18h30 – 20h00 The NRPA Chairman, Brad Bing welcomed the attendees and thanked everyone for making a concerted effort to attend……this being our second Noordhoek Ratepayers AGM. Feedback was presented on our achievements and financials for the…
Update: Dunedin Road Cell Mast Application The Municipal Planning Tribunal (MPT) met yesterday, Wednesday 22 March 2017, to decide on this application. The NRPA Planning and Land EXCO member attended. Each Planning Tribunal Panel Member had received a consolidated report that included all objections/reasons for support received by City by…
Update on Cell Mast Application Dunedin (Erf 930-27) The next step in this application process is a meeting of the Municipal Planning Tribunal (MPT) scheduled for 22 March 2017. Each Planning Tribunal Panel Member receives a consolidated report that includes all objections/reasons for support received by City by the deadline…
HOUMOED: PROPOSED EXTENTION FEEDBACK FROM FOCUS GROUP Attending: Chand team, road engineers, Tony Viera, Simon Lyle-Cock, Felicity Purchase, 2xNRPA EXCO reps, various other civics and registered parties. Process: Introduction of the project, laws applicable and the process of the EIA and public participation. Fred (de Villiers) the engineer showed a…
NOTICE of NRPA Annual General Meeting 2017 Monday 27 March 2017 6.30pm – 8pm (registration starts at 6pm) Monkey Valley, Tree Tops No RSPV needed but you do need to have paid 2016 subs (R100) to be able to vote on the evening. Please email with agenda items for…