As part of the road upgrading process it is necessary to relocate existing pipes and cables out of the way of future roadworks. At the intersection of Frigate and Chebec Crescents numerous pipes and cables exist. To relocate them requires that Chebec Crescent (north side at Frigate Crescent) be closed…
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NRPA EXCO Meeting Minutes: 25 May 2017 18h00 – 19h30 Summary: Transport Plan, Houmoed Road, Seascape Rd public open space, Council owned land in Noordhoek, Website, 2030 Project Update, NRPA Inclusivity, Cell Mast, Drones, Dog-poo composting, Masi Video and Development Framework, NEAG. Present: Brad Bing (Chair), Jenny Shaw, Sharon Long, Liz Smith, Marc Bakker…
Ou Kaapse Weg Stats 27-08-2015 Some interesting traffic fine stats for Ou kaapse Weg.
The local newspaper, People’s Post, is asking for feedback and comments on the new solar Studs (previously known as cats eyes) that have been installed on Ou Kaapse Weg and Noordhoek Main Road. The solar studs differ from other reflective markers, such as cats eyes, in that they contain a…