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Silvermine Road Intersection

By December 11, 2018February 27th, 2020Civic, Far South Notification



Dear Interested & Affected Party,


The new upgraded and widened alignment of the intersection of Silvermine Road onto Ou Kaapseweg was opened to traffic on Friday afternoon. The lane marking layout now provides for a safe dedicated right turn movement in each direction for vehicles wanting to turn into Silvermine Road when travelling south on Ou Kaapseweg or those wanting to turn right into Table Mountain National Park when travelling north on Ou Kaapseweg.


In the New Year the contractor will return to this site to complete a number of items which include construction of side drain channels, erection of permanent general direction signs, topsoil placement, landscaping and revegetation on the western side.


The surface on which vehicles will be travelling still needs a final layer to be placed. This will also be done in the New Year.  Care still needs to be taken when driving on this new roadway as there are some sections where there are minor level differences between the existing road surface and the new surface. These will be removed when the final surface is placed.


Please note that site will shut down from 14th December 2018 to 8th January 2019 (re-opening on the 9th of January).


Any issues concerning traffic signals, road signs, stormwater and road defects within this project are to be reported to:


•       Francois Rossouw:  071 190 1068  /

•       Dries Visser :            082 743 8327 /


The Kommetjie Road upgrade project team thanks all for their understanding and patience over the past two years while this road intersection upgrade was being constructed. Please drive safely and defensively.



Claudette Muller

Chand Environmental Consultants

Suite 1.2 A

Richmond Centre

174 – 206 Main Road




Tel:         (021) 762-3050
