New Sun Valley Mall – Signage – Comment by 4 September to
We have been given an opportunity to comment on the proposed signage for the New Sun Valley Mall. See these attachments:
The NRPA is drafting a response on behalf of our members. Our comments will include the following:
Scale and Number – size & number of signs must be kept to a minimum – The mall is on two scenic routes and we want to limit the artificial nature of the built environment on these routes and in our Valley. It is also surrounded by residential dwellings to the east and north.
Illuminated signage – not necessary and we do not support any illuminated signage because of light pollution and it being out of sync with the natural environment in the area. In addition, residents to the east and north of the mall should not have to experience the light pollution created by illuminated signage.
If you would like to comment on your own behalf, please send an email, by 4 September, to:
Hello I would rather not have any light boxes on the north and west elevation , preferably non at all, I represent Harmony Estate just behind the BP garage and we do not want any light pollution please,
Thanks. Please be sure to also lodge this comment yourself in the email contacts supplied.
wow… 36 signage options on one small mall, with some of the signs in excess of 22 METERS wide – this is just way to much signage (illuminated or not) for this small space, and I find it totally un-necessary, it will end up looking like a US strip mall – unsightly and will ruin the ‘organic’ character of Noordhoek
Thanks Carla. And thanks for lodging an objection.
A joint effort by the NRPA AND NEAG was able to force the developers of Long Beach Mall to only permit 3D sign options to tenants. Also only anchor tenants where provided sign positions. This meant that no unsightly light boxes would be allowed and thee was no splatter of signs. This has to some effect ‘improved’ the facade of that mall. I would suggest the same applies here. As a design consultant in this feild, I am also of the opinion that this building, given where it is located, is over signed.
Please note that as a resident of Noordhoek, I find the idea of illuminated signage at the new mall to be totally horrendous and definately not in keeping with our beautiful and rural valley. To think of coming over the hill at night to a peaceful place which, if this goes ahead, will totally wreck the scenic drive and of course mess up the nearby residents’ evenings with garish signs, is just not on.
I speak for all of us in the Valley when I say please respect what we fight for, it’s our right to live in this village as we choose, not to have horrors like flashing signs degrading this rural spot. If we wanted all of that tacky stuff we would not be living here in the first place. Keep it real and please don’t try to turn our community into a smaller version of Joburg by the sea. Eish.
Asseblief mense ons is nie ‘n disco-techno part of the world, rather stick to Gauteng for all of this crap, or Bellville rather if you insist on stuffing up Cape Town’s deep south. Ma se hare. The End.
Marnie Steffny
Resident, Chapman’s Peak, Noordhoek, where there are no flashing lights. Keep it that way.
Thanks Marnie
Please be sure to send your comments to the email addresses provided in the article.