Legislation regarding drone usage
Update: 12 June 2017
The post below (29 May 2017) received a number of questions. The NRPA has received feedback as follows:
Any high Obstacle within a 300 meter radius of the aircraft, RPA’s need to remain below the highest point of the Obstacle.
There has been quite a bit of conversation on social media recently about drones over flying homes in Noordhoek and the legislation relating to this activity. The NRPA has done some investigation and report the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) legislation regarding Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), including drones, below.
Pilots must Observe all Statutory Requirements relating to Liability, Privacy, Noise Pollution etc.
– endanger Safety of another Aircraft or Person or Property through negligent flying/operating RPA’s
– Fly/operate RPA’s 50 meters or closer to Persons, Group of People eg. Sporting Events, Social Events, Schools etc.
– Fly/operate 50 meters from Property Owner without Owner Permission
– Fly/Operate Higher than 150ft from the Ground
– RPA’s should remain within Visual line of sight of Operator
– RPA’s only flown in daylight & clear Weather conditions
As Drone Technology is relatively new, and some operators including kids are not aware of legislation, we suggest that the approach should be that individuals first have a conversation with RPA operators if they are contravening any of the above. If there is no changed behaviour then possibly take it further.
We have requested information from the Aviation Authority, of where we could report RPA operators who refuse to comply. We will advise once we receive further information.