The application for consent and departures for Erf 4894 can be found in the links in the letter from the city below. The due date for objections is the 16th of November 2018
Description and physical address: 16 Noordhoek Main Road, Noordhoek (as shown on the locality plan link below) Purpose of the application:
1. For consent to permit tourist facilities (restaurant) and a farm shop.
2. For the following departures from the Development Management Scheme to permit:
- Item 113(a)(ii): the floor space of the farm shop to be 188m2 in lieu of 100m2.
- Item 113(c)(i): a building to be setback 9.4m in lieu of 10m from the street boundary.
- Item 113(c)(ii): a building to be setback 1m in lieu of 5m from the northern common boundary.
- Item 113(c)(ii): a building to be setback 2.7m in lieu of 5m from the eastern common boundary.
- Item 113(c)(ii): an outbuilding to be setback 0m in lieu of 5m from the eastern common boundary
Letter from city:
“Attached please find Advertising notice for the above mentioned case.
Application Notice: NOTICE TO PERSON
Jocelyn Solomon
Southern District: Customer Interface – Development Management
Ground Floor, Plumstead Administrative Building, 3 Victoria Road, Plumstead
Tel: 021 444 2619 | Fax: 086 202 9985 | Email: |Website (TDA):”