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Corona Virus: Community health tips

Working together to protect our community during the lock down


The Noordhoek Ratepayers Association has a few community health tips you can implement that will protect your family and the rest of our community as lock down measures are put into place to curb the spread of Covid-19.


  1. Sanitising your bin

Do not put your bin out until the truck is in the area, if possible

Make sure your bin is firmly closed

Disinfect the bin before putting it out on the road for collection

Wash your hands thoroughly (for 20 seconds) every time you touch your bin

Disinfect your bin after waste has been collected – especially the handles and the lid

These measures will protect the service workers collecting the bins and their families.

Please help your neighbours, take their bin out for them if they are unable to, and let them know about these safety measures.


  1. Recycling during lock down

There will be  recycling collected during lock down

[This is a correction to a previous notice saying recycling would not be collected]


  1. Please stay at home

All South Africans are encouraged to stay at home, this is in the best interest of our community and our country.



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The NRPA not only works on the six community goals developed to keep Noordhoek the best place to live, we also financially support other organisations working in Noordhoek like: On The Verge, Project Noordhoeked, the Common Committee and many more.