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The Noordhoek Ratepayers Association (NRPA) is running a design competition for a bus and taxi shelter that fits in with the natural look and feel of Noordhoek. The competition is open to anyone who’d like to enter.

“In February, we approached the City for permission to erect structures to protect the mainly domestic workers who use the bus and taxi services from the rain and sun,” says Brad Bing, NRPA Chairman. “We felt the plastic bus shelters that the city usually provides would not suit our community. Although we can’t expect special treatment from the City, we got such a great response from the community for this idea that we can now put a case to the City to construct more natural-looking shelters,” he says. “To find the perfect design we thought we’d open up a competition to the public.”

Bing said the shelters should be created from wood and be as eco-friendly as possible. “We’re looking for a shelter with an environmentally-friendly, natural look that fits in with tranquillity of the Noordhoek community,” he said. The shelters would be situated at the bottom of Silvermine Road before Village Lane, at the Mountain and Beach Road junction, and at the Noordhoek Garden Emporium, where people are currently waiting for taxis.

To enter, please send your design to by the end of May 2020. Watch the NRPA communications for the winning design. The City of Cape Town will need to approve the design before the winner is finalised.

The design of eco-friendly, natural-looking bus shelters aligns with two of the NRPA’s 2030 Vision goals:

  1. Being #GoodNeighbours, under this goal we are committed to looking after those who visit us in the Valley for work or pleasure. We believe being good neighbours improves the quality of life for all of us and enhances our reputation as a special place in South Africa.
  2. #Treadinglightly: This goal helps us live in a way that treads lightly on the land so that we do minimal damage and have minimal negative impact on the larger ecosystem.


DID YOU KNOW: Supporting the NRPA costs only R200/year per household.

Become a member online at or email your name, address and erf number to to join today – it’s the best investment you’ll make this year.

The NRPA not only works on the six community goals developed to keep Noordhoek the best place to live, we also financially support other organisations working in Noordhoek like: On The Verge, Project Noordhoeked, the Common Committee and many more.