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Call for volunteers to join the Noordhoek Common Committee

Call for volunteers to join the Noordhoek Common Committee


The Noordhoek Common is in the heart of Noordhoek and is one of the features which makes Noordhoek the unique place that it is. It is regularly enjoyed by Noordhoek residents and visitors from outside the Valley.

The Noordhoek Common Committee, supported by the Noordhoek Ratepayers Association (NRPA) and the Noordhoek Environmental Action Group (NEAG) are looking for volunteers to join the Common Committee to assist in the management of the Common.

The role of the Common Committee is to ensure the Common retains its unique nature and to keep it neat and tidy for the enjoyment of everyone who visits it.

If you are willing to get involved please contact either of the following people before the 20th of November:

Chris Strangeways-Dixon:
Whatsapp: 0827849890


Nico Kruger:
Whatsapp: 0836403329