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Awesome Noordhoek Video

By July 29, 2020July 31st, 2020HorsesOfNoordhoek, Publication, Spotlight

Calling all Noordhoek residents…………just check out this amazing video of Noordhoek and how magnificent our valley is. Let’s keep it that way.

Thanks to local resident Neil Preyer for the video.

Neil comments: “This video showcases everything I love about this village I live in, Noordhoek, Cape Town. It’s a work in progress, I’ll add the missing elements as I photograph them (cyclists, the farm village, Cape Point vineyards etc), lockdown permitting. If anyone wants to contribute photos and video (1080p landscape) I would be most grateful. No babies, puppies, foals, chicks, surfers or sunbathers were injured or frightened in the making of this video. In fact, almost all of them were curious, involved and delighted to have their picture taken!”

Neil can be contacted at if you would like to be in touch with him.

Thank you Neil