August 2015 Update
Dear NRPA Member
Green Wardens
We have secured the services of 5 Green Wardens for a year. Sourced from the Valley, and managed by Robin Stott, this team is paid for by the City of Cape Town. Currently this team is clearing Alien Vegetation on the mountain below Chappies. We are compiling a short biography, with photos, of each team member and will share these with you as soon as we are able.
Creating Links – Masicorp
Stephen Cruickshank and Lynn Brown visited Masi last week to experience the work done by Masicorp. This NGO has programmes in Masi, focussing on early childhood development, teacher development, tertiary study bursaries as well as entrepreneurial development and support. The NRPA is interested in providing a platform for members to engage with Masicorp on a voluntary basis, thus improving links between our two communities. We are working on a communication, including photos we took. We hope you will be as excited and encouraged as we were after our visit.
Our Common
A great deal of composting and clearing out has happened this past month. We were lucky to secure truckloads of topsoil runoff from Chappies. Quick thinking by EXCO member Robin Stott meant that Keith Gurney collected this topsoil for use on the Common, instead of it being removed and dumped elsewhere. The boundary fence was repaired. A new double fence was erected on the west Common. This will facilitate the planting of vegetation in a way that prevents the horses from eating it before it has a chance to grow. There are four gaps in the fence, two will be gates for the horses and two are for horse cross country jumps. There are regular 80cm spaces, providing a walkway for people and dogs. These are too narrow for the horses. New signage, at 7 key points, will be erected shortly. Anyone who wants to know more about what is happening on our Common is directed to the Noordhoek Common Facebook page.
Masi – Noise Pollution
NRPA members, especially those from The Lakes, are experiencing increasing levels of noise disturbance over weekends. After investigating, we discovered that residents in Sunnydale, Capri and Masi are experiencing the same issue. A meeting of reps from each of these areas, including Peter Ray from the NRPA, has helped us to understand that solving the problem is going to be complicated. In short, inadequate policing means that complaints are not effectively dealt with. A memorandum from the Masi community to the Ocean View Police Commander was delivered on 10 August. Neighbourhood Watches in the area are supporting a group of Masi residents who want to start a Masi Neighbourhood Watch.
Proposed Traffic Calming Policy
This City of Cape Town proposal (communicated to all members last month and available here) essentially says that the requests for traffic calming measures far outweigh both physical and budget capacity. Priority will be given to roads outside schools and high accident zones in such a way that traffic flow is not impeded. Communities will be able to motivate for traffic calming measures on local roads. However, these will have to be approved, based on a set of criteria, and paid for by communities themselves (similar to how our speed bumps were done.) We have been engaging with relevant officials , since March. It is clear that we need a full investigation into our roads, taxi/bus stops and horse/pedestrian crossings in Noordhoek. This will allow us to make proposals to our Community. Any other Noordhoek group working on such measures is asked to contact us so that we can co-ordinate efforts.
In the interim, we have asked that traffic controls be implemented on Noordhoek Main Road, so please expect speed traps. We are investigating a meeting with Taxi groups, operating in our area, to ask them to positively influence their drivers.
NRPA members are asked to drive at the speed limit. Please be considerate, careful and courteous when using our roads. Please encourage others to do the same.
New Shack Erected, Noordhoek Main Road
We were asked to investigate. Brad Bing met with the landowner to discover that a process is already in place. We will communicate shortly.
Two New Volunteers Supporting The EXCO
A huge thank you to Marike Colyn (who will be supporting Jock Kannemeyer) and Alyce Solomon (who will be managing our membership data base) for volunteering their help. Welcome to the team.
The Fish Hoek Valley Ratepayers and Residents Association
FHVRRA. Agenda QGM 2015.08.27 – Newsletter August 2015
The FHVRRA is having a meeting Thursday 27 August. All welcome. Please click on the link above to view the notice and newsletter. This newsletter has some useful information about the Fish Hoek-Muizenberg Main Road rehab as well as the Fish Hoek Beach sewage problem and solutions currently being implemented.
Thanks for your continued contribution and support.
The NRPA EXCO and Support Team