An amendment to planning application from Hotel to a guest house and 15 to 27 residential units is being applied for at Cape Point Vineyards and is now open for public comment to be submitted by the 16th of May 2019.
Amendment of the environmental authorisation for the development on portion 1 of the Farm NO. 934 (De Goede Hoop), Cape Division, Noordhoek
Application in Summary (See link for detail):
- a guest house (12 bedrooms)
- Residential component of 27 units
- Associated internal access roads and open space network.
- craft / tourist shop(s) with a covered walkway
- Relocation of existing farm stores and workshed. It is proposed that the new workshed may also be utilised as a dance hall for functions if required.
See links below for full detail (note: This is an amendment from existing rights to 13 units and a Hotel)