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The NRPA calls on everyone who is in the local tourism industry to please complete this short survey that we have put together


NRPA Tourism Survey


One of our strategies to influence development in a way that respects Noordhoek’s sense of place is to attach a social and economic value to our spatial assets when engaging with the City on densification, sub-division and developmental matters.  To this end we commissioned an equestrian economy audit that highlighted the value of this particular economy, which depends to a large extent on the preservation of rural zoning and small holding-sized erven.

Our next project in this regard is to estimate the socio economic value of Noordhoek’s Tourism industry.  We believe that our sense of place, village atmosphere and natural beauty are a large part of what attracts visitors to Noordhoek and are therefore key to the sustainability of Tourism in the valley”

We kindly ask that you answer the questions below to facilitate this process.  Your answers will be used only in an aggregated, statistical context.