Homepage Design Rules:
Remember the homepage is a design item. So it needs to look the part, and show the things you want on as a landing page.
- 6 fixed posts along the top , which are pages for topics that will remain relevant for a long time. Can be changed from time to time if relevant
- moving headlines below that
- Three spotlight posts and right hand side toolbar
The published date can be changed in the edit post if you want to keep the post on the homepage
Homepage needs a “Design Guide” for the home page, which looks something like:
- Only 3 posts should be marked as spotlight posts
- 3 posts should be most relevant subjects of the time e.g.
- Water crisis update
- Specific bit planning update e.g. generations school
- Community project
- NRPA specific post re: membership or something of interest
I think right now, water, NRPA and community are a good 3 subjects for a homepage
- The post images should be well considered to look good on the landing page. The posts should be carefully formatted to look their best
Each homepage post needs
- a category and a sub category
- one or more tags
- if they are to feature on the homepage, they should also be a category = spotlight post
- if they are to be published in a newsletter, that should also be a category = ‘publication’ post. This will then be sent out the next morning on Mailchimp